Our Story

We firmly believe that building a business that helps a good cause along the way is the only way to grow. We have teamed up with Constructing Hope to rebuild the lives of people in our community by encouraging self-sufficiency through skills training and education in the construction industry. Constructing Hope provides no-cost, ten-week construction training programs, placement services, and career advancement support. Work Classics supplies supply no cost construction clothing to people coming from incarceration, low-income adults and more.

How Did This All Start?

Our families foundations were built in the trades. My dad and grandfather put food on our table by building homes for other families. My father went to work in the rain, cold, wind, and sun without the proper protective clothing because times were tough. I discovered Constructing Hope when searching for a way to give back to less fortunate blue collar workers.  

Why Used Work Clothes Though?

The older I got, the more I realized that workwear was insanely expensive. How are everyday folks supposed to afford flame resistant, high visibility clothing that most trade workplaces require. In our own search for a more affordable option we realized that others could benefit from low cost used workwear, just like we could. 

Meet Our Team

President | Jim Whitaker